Terms of Service
Use of P-A Countdown (“Countdown”) is governed by the following Terms of Service (“Terms”). You must read and accept the Terms before signing in, viewing a list of available games, or turning one of your own Problem-Attic documents into a game.
Connection to Problem-Attic
Countdown and Problem-Attic are made by the same company, EducAide Software. But they are not the same web application. They run on different servers and their only communication with each other is through a web API. For that reason, Countdown’s Terms do not alter or supercede any of the rules governing use of Problem-Attic.
Countdown provides an alternative method for accessing and formatting questions which are in Problem-Attic. Those questions are copyrighted individually or as a collection of data. When turned into a game by Countdown, they are subject to the same restrictions on use as if they were accessed directly in Problem-Attic.
Signing in and Creating Games
To create a Countdown game, you must first sign in as a demo user, registered user, or developer. How you sign in determines which questions in Problem-Attic are available to you, or which documents you can turn into a game. The following rules apply:
If you are registered user or developer, you are not allowed to share your password or access token, and you must make a reasonable effort to keep it secure.
If you are not a registered user or developer, then you must sign in as a demo user. You are not allowed under any circumstances to sign in with someone else’s password or access token.
You are allowed to create games only for players who are under your direct supervision. You may not broadcast a game URL or post it on a public website.
If you are a registered user or developer, you can create as many games as you like with your own Problem-Attic documents. You are not allowed to give someone else access to your documents through your Countdown sign-in.
You are not allowed to create a Countdown game for any commercial purpose, charge a fee for playing a game, or embed a game in any other web application or product, whether it is free or for-pay.
You are not allowed to extract (or attempt to extract) any data from a Countdown game, store any part of a game in a database or text-retrieval system, or use the graphical images for any purpose besides the game.
Note: Problem-Attic has a feature called document sharing. You may use that feature to provide one of your documents to another registered user of Countdown.
Regardless of how you sign in to Countdown (or whether you sign in at all), you are not allowed to create or play its games through any automated system, interfere with the operation of the website, or attempt to access Problem-Attic documents or questions through any means which are not specifically authorized by EducAide Software.
If EducAide Software determines that you are violation of these Terms, it may, at any time, suspend your account or take other measures to prevent you from signing in to Countdown or creating or playing games.
If you have questions about these Terms, please write to info@educaide.com.